i woke up this morning with a white cloud over my head (to make up for the black bush of unruly hair on top of my head) and danced into the kitchen. and there i said "Hello" to the three remaining pineapples who were sitting on the floor. my maid's gonna chop them up later to make the paste for the pineapple tarts.
then i danced back into my room and ... fell asleep again.
woke up at 10 plus and crawled to the kitchen, took a floss bun and went to play computer. then i wanted to get something but i was too tired to walk so i rode the swivel chair outside into the kitchen to get my grapes. then i stole a biscuit from my sister and ran into the room before i got caught.
then i struggled with my homework while my sister was playing her bamboo castanets and banging the piano with her feet (well at least that's what it sounded like). and my dad was snoozing on the couch. mom was away collecting miles for her KrisFlyer card. she's already premium! well, so is dad but maybe she'll get to get free first class tickets if she get's upgraded! WHICH MEANS SHE'LL SNEAK NICE CHOCOLATES BACK FOR ME!
okay going nuts. then i went to fit my contact lenses. the lady made me put it on, and take them off. then put them back in, and take them out again. but it's a bit painful so no one will be seeing me without glasses anytime soon! haha!
6:27 AM
Friday, January 25, 2008
Lace biscuits
1/3 cup blanched almonds processed to meal 50 gms melted butter 1/4 cup flour 1/2 cup castor sugar 2 tbs thickened cream 1/2 tsp vanilla (I used vanilla bean paste)
Preheat oven to 190oC Combine all ingredients. Place level teaspoons of mix 4 cm apart on baking paper. Bake 7 mins, leave in trays 2 mins, then put on racks to cool.
10:08 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
today was like shiat! stalked up the gloomy stairs with a dark cloud over my head (it seemed almost coincidental but as i walked past every hallway and flight of stairs, the lights would just go off. look how much darkness my dark cloud brings!) and walk into class and the first thing cheng mei says to me is:
"you look dead."
and i felt dead too. i bet you i looked like a mad woman all day. my fringe was all over the place and i couldn't be bothered to do anything about it. and i became sleepier when stan stepped into the class with his goofy, toothy retarded grin. like :B. but i became interested when he said something about a Singh in court who holds a cane and has the authority to whack anyone who acts violently. and even the prime minister shall not be spared! can you imagine? sitting there, getting paid to cane misbehaving adults? hahha i wonder how much they pay.
here's a scene:
dude a: .... so your point is that kids are idiots? dude b: NO YOU MUTHA******* *******. ARE YOU AN ***** OR JUST PLAIN DUMB? *throws paper aeroplane* dude a: what the ****! *gets up from seat and attempts to lift it off the ground and throw it at the opposing party* cane man: *was asleep due to dull subjects and civil arguments but now awakes to the unusual chaos* dude a and b: *hides behind the alter thingy throwing paper "bombs" at each other* cane man: *picks up his cane and THWACK THWACK! smacks them across the face! and whacks one more time for extra measure*
i wonder if they except women for the job. haha and then towards the end of history, chengmei lifted up her big paper bag which i never notice and points to the bag and i read
Treasure the Experience
and i'm wondering why she showed it to me. then she points at this big blue thing at the side and realise it says:
Treasure the Experience.
i was laughing like mad. and at the side, it said "simply reliable". i asked her where she got it from and she said "my mom..." and i laughed so hard. i later found out that the doctors gave her the bag (viagra not included) cuz she needed it to carry stuff.
and then during bio we were checking out cells and i couldn't see a thing! had to go to other people's table to steal a look at their cells. and then we were supposed to check out pig liver cells! and i caught miss low MASHING THE LIVER UP! it was so gross!
and during infocomm, the sec ones came and we played whacko, double whacko and big eagle catch small bird. yes it's a direct chinese translation.
5:58 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
i went to youtube and found this band called the bird and the bee.
their music is pretty good. and i found out that this song "again and again" was sung by them. she plays guitar and he plays the keyboard. and i can't be bothered to find out their names. i just now the woman is a famous person's granddaughter.
this song is again and again. the beat is so catchy!
and this one is the polite dance song. it's got such a nice ring to it. TAP YOUR FEET PEOPLE.
3:17 AM
today was... pretty much the usual. chinese was.. gah. maths was zzzzzzz. and chem we went to the lab and went mad. ling hui was trying to light the Bunsen burner and when it finally caught the flame, i went bonkers when let out a little squeal. one minute your clicking the clicky thingy and the next minute, the flame just shoots out.
then it was english and we were learning the three forms of irony. so we had to act out a scene that shows irony. so my group was doing this scene where i was the intelligent person and chengmei was the dumb one and pricilla was the announcer. and lucky clara and elissa were the audience.
so here it goes:
(i was carrying a dictionary by the way. and chengmei was holding a book upside down)
Pricilla: Today is the finals for the smartest person contest! we have chengmei and rachel! chengmei: smiles awkwardly and takes the chance to push me around) Pricilla: And the prize goes to chengmei! Chengmei: (in a low patrick star- like voice) Yay! i'm the smartest person! AHAHAHA! ONE PLUS ONE IS THREE!
then miss **** asks "so where's the irony?"
then the entire class says "one plus one is three"
she ponders on it for a while then... "oh yea!"
haha retarded. i know her maths is bad but i didnt know it was THAT bad. then had geog. blah that. and then was maths remedial! i was going mad with chengmei! it was pure madness.it's like i'd suddenly burst into a song for no reason.
i'm going mad!
2:13 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
went out with sirin today to raid guitar shops and find a potential bass i could buy in near future YAY! she suggested getting this pleasantly pink bass. but i didn't like it. cuz the shade of pink and the design wasn't... me. haha then sirin was telling me that i choose form over function.
now... i should have phrased it another way.. rather suggestive isn't it? then me and sirin were walking in cirles, going around Maestro a couple of times and i got the greatest shock of my life. i saw. this guy wearing pink skinnys. it was so traumatising.
then we were walking and walking and then went into this shop and (wait for it....) saw this EMILY THE STRANGE GUITAR. it was so nice! but sirin was sighing disapprovingly. i think people probably thought i was mad, gushing over a guitar!
it's so pretty right! haha sirin was telling me i ought to look at other stuff. and i bought a hello kitty pick. haha it's retarded but fun!
so we walked all the way from raffles city to bras pasar while drinking bubble tea and chewing on the chewy pearls. then walked into this music store and saw this little cute minature guitar! it's pretty! and so cute!
GASP i just found out the emily the strange guitar is a limited edition one! I MUST HAVE IT!
5:10 AM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
okay let me get straight to the point. i feel like pushing mrs ******** and miss **** down the stairs. okay maybe not mrs ********* because she hasn't done anything to me. but i won't stand her ridiculous temper. you want to pms ah, go vent it on your husband (i am amazed her hubby can stand her)! are we little itty bitty ants you can just squash with all your disgusting cellulite-y butt? and miss ****! i very fun to pick on right? go ahead. pick on me. until you realise how incredibly childish and ridiculous you're acting.
haha miss fazi is so nice! and she's really very funny. at first i thought she'd be another ***** *** but then she was teacher half-way and started talking about
how bored she gets during the holidays. and cuz she's bored, she'll call her husband. and her husband will tell her to go watch tv
then she'll watch entertainment news and national geographic. about animals being.. homo.
then she told us how often monkeys mate
and how she cried when the dog in I am Legend died
hahaha she's so random! but she's funny
then went to the hall after an exhausting day of stoning and feeling guilty for not getting chengmei a present. and sat there listening to six people have a debate and rattle on about mass media... christianity.. how buddha isn't a religion... bald britney... mispronouncing words... and watching the tv isn't a religion... or how it's like a religion... and then the person presses the bell "DING DING DING DING DING!" and i wake up from my deep slumber feeling fuzzy.
in the end, they both didn't grasp the motion of the debate. which i completely agree. although now i can't remember what the motion was. something on mass media. but i wasn't listening. half the time i was thinking what my future would be like if i married a professional wine-maker who earns big bucks. i could be rich. and never have to use my brains again! yay!
3:07 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
monday monday monday. OH THE AGONY. monday sucks. they should make it a holiday. but then, everyone would' have tuesday blues. and we won't be happy. so we'll also make tuesday a holiday and then we'll all hate wednesday. so that'll become a holiday too. so then everyone will think. " hmm, let's just make everyday a holiday and we don't have ta go to work or school! we'll stay at home growing moldy, fat and lumpy. and everyone will be happy cuz everyday's a holiday!"
then everyone will go bankrupt cuz they aren't working. so they'll decide to rob a bank! yea! they'll burst into the bank with they're wives' stinky stockings on they're puny heads and wave blunt machetes around screaming "GIMMIE ALL YOUR MONEY AND NO ONE GET'S HURT!", hollywood style.
then they realise that they're turning into brainless pigs because since everyday was made a holiday, even bankers stayed home everyday watching moss grow on they're bellies. and after realising how stupid they were, they still helped themselves to the money anyway.
but then sat down and thought about it. and figured since no one was working, they could just steal food straight from the stores.
i was youtube surfing again and found this excellent song by The Reason ft. Sara quin (from tegan and sara)
it's the hottest song i've found so far! it's so nice! and the whole yin yang feel is so cool.
4:00 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
HARLOW EVERY-BODY! did you know that nicole richie and hubby, dunnoehisname madden, named their daughter " Harlow Winter Kate Madden"??!! i just demonstrated the one way people usually use the term "harlow"! hahaha
so anyways, i went to watch coffee prince when i first got outta bed. and was watching with my mouth hanging open. yea i was that tired. then i sat there and ate my breakfast and lunch and some chocolates (i can't believe it didnt occur to me that just sitting there scoffing down food would cause all the fats to go to my ass. eek).
and made cupcakes everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! all by myself with no adult supervision! haha yay! and then sadly returned to my dingy little room to do homework. and in case you're wondering, yes. i am using my brain to think of chim words. after a while, my brain was on the verge of blowing itself to bits so i figured i'd join my mom and that little imp my sister to the track to jog.
it was crowded today. a lot of foreign (but asian, sadly)guys were playing soccer or running. OH WAIT. there were ang mohs. but they were wee lil' kiddies who trip over their feet trying to kick the ball back onto the field. haha so cute. so i ran a few rounds and sat at the stands. i didnt want to give the half-naked cheena guy another chance to run past me.
and i came back and bathed myself under cold water. wait. that is an understatement. i WAS FREEZING under the cold water. anyways, i went to facebook and omg! i saw something so shocking! someone sent my an invitation to this..... application. haha i told esther. and you'd be shocked too if i told you what that application is and who sent it to me! haha
7:19 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
why i can never seem to be happy
1) because sitting next to chengmei makes me feel fat 2) because geog teacher makes puke. she's so friggin flabby. and her chin is so GAH. there isn't even a word to describe her grotesque neck! oh wait there is. i just used it. yes. her neck is grotesque people. 3) my english is failing! 4) i attempt to go green and wish for 'world peace!'(as quoted from every woman who ever joined a beauty pageant) for the greater good! but i can't be bothered in the end. 5) the stupid bleh principal(who's hair appears to stick to her face and her face looks like she went for botox) really irks me. 6) i lost my funny bone. 7) i feel like a fish.
10:45 PM
i woke up today because my butt hurt. well, i feel like my entire body was beaten up. i hate running! and sprinting! it's so stressful. it's like you're holding a baton, then suddenly, you chiong 100 (or 110 m according to colin phee) meters and whack the baton into the other person's hand. and speaking of colin phee, he made everyone get down onto the track and asked us to get into the male push-up position and bring one hand up behind the back and HOLD IT THERE FOR 40 SECONDS. oh my god i nearly died.
it was so tough and after that, your palms turn red and look diseased because of the red track.
and i was watching coffee prince yesterday and realised something,
Gong yoo(the main guy) looks like seth tan. no kidding! i googled his picture and compared to stan in the year book and i'm like "WHOA! SEPARATED AT BIRTH!" haha don't believe me you guys go and check. i'll post a photo of both later. i'm too lazy now.
i've being hanging around the house poking my books. i don't wanna do homework! i'd rather knock myself out!
10:26 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
today was the perfect day to doze off in class. which i didnt manage to do since chengmei poking my fats...i mean arm to keep me awake.maths was fun. FINALLY i understand! i see the light!!!!! (angels appear singing some opera song)
but school isn't fun. after school (and that stupid talk about respect)i went to 3 U and was being tortured as xiwen kept tossing her new blue and white football at me. i hate flying balls. so esther, debra and i went out and cam-whored.
now i feel like there's something buzzing around me. but there's no flies... i'm hallucinating!
CCA was so fun. haha i don't ever remembering my senior being so nice. well maybe she has been but i forgot. the sec twos pranced into our section and played whacko with a pathetic, and small, paper stick for the next hour. it was so funny. Cheryl, Debra and Xiwen were the hot favourites that kept getting whacked! ahaha. people kept calling xiwen and hitting her with the stick. it was super hilarious.
and the teachers are super super crazy. bleh. I'M A GIANT AND THEY ARE THE SMALL PEOPLE! haha my head looks like it's dripping goo... eurgh.
4:36 AM
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
i've been going on a facebook- i'll- attack- you're- vampire/werewolf/slayer/zombie rampage and i have a feeling everyone's gonna hate me. i've been staring at the computer screen clicking (clicky clicky!) around and eat chumps from other vampires/werewolves/slayers/zombies.
it's so soooooo fun! way fun! more fun than friendster. but friednster's good for stalking people. not..that.. i do that... anyhow, facebook is so cool and awesome and i'm addicted and i don't wanna do my homework!
3:47 AM
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
the teacher's i got this year are pretty much okay people. mrs wang is nice and claims not to scold people cuz it causes wrinkles. mrs fung is nice a nice teacher who makes me wonder what prawny has been trying to teach me the entire year. mr choo... damn funny that one. andddddd mrs s. i could strangle her right now.
yesterday went to the science centre for micro mouse competition. in the end, we ended up lying all over the place while doing our homework. yes folks, even i am amazed that i was so bored i hit the books. then i went with xiwen and debra to buy lollies. i highly recommend not buying the watermelon one. then went to the auditorium for a lecture and we were playing golf on xiwen's handphone and snapping pictures of auntie suan choo, who fell asleep. haha the pictures are hilarious. i'll try to grab them from xiwen. then i got bored and started gnawing on my lollipop. i wanted to throw it away so badly. it tasted weird. but it would've wasted my money.
so today i went to school.
and now i'm back. so there. my life in a nutshell. anyways, literature teacher's in dunnoe where soooooo FREE PERIOD TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
11:51 PM
Friday, January 04, 2008
i went to find out what my name means on some website.
You entered: rachel ho
There are 8 letters in your name. Those 8 letters total to 43 There are 3 vowels and 5 consonants in your name.
What your first name means:
Ewe. Rachel was the second and favoured wife of Jacob in the Old Testament.
Your number is: 7
The characteristics of #7 are: Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating.
The expression or destiny for #7: Thought, analysis, introspection, and seclusiveness are all characteristics of the expression number 7. The hallmark of the number 7 is a good mind, and especially good at searching out and finding the truth. You are so very capable of analyzing, judging and discriminating, that very little ever escapes your observation and deep understanding. You are the type of person that can really get involved in a search for wisdom or hidden truths, often becoming an authority on whatever it is your are focusing on. This can easily be of a technical or scientific nature, or it may be religious or occult, it matters very little, you pursue knowledge with the same sort of vigor. You can make a very fine teacher, or because of a natural inclination toward the spiritual, you may become deeply emerged in religious affairs or even psychic explorations. You tend to operate on a rather different wavelength, and many of your friends may not really know you very well. The positive aspects of the 7 expression are that you can be a true perfectionist in a very positive sense of the word. You are very logical, and usually employ a quite rational approach to most things you do. You can be so rational at times that you almost seem to lack emotion, and when you are faced with an emotional situation, you may have a bit of a problem coping with it. You have excellent capabilities to study and learn really deep and difficult subjects, and to search for hidden fundamentals. At full maturity you are likely to be a very peaceful and poised individual.
If there is an over supply of the number 7 in your makeup, the negative aspects of the number may be apparent. The chief negative of 7 relates to the limited degree of trust that you may have in people. A tendency to be highly introverted can make you a bit on the self-centered side, certainly very much self-contained . Because of this, you are not very adaptable, and you may tend to be overly critical and intolerant. You really like to work alone, at your own pace and in your own way. You neither show or understand emotions very well.
now, i'm thinking : hmm maybe that's true.
Your Soul Urge number is: 3
A Soul Urge number of 3 means: With the Soul Urge number 3 your desire in life is personal expression, and generally enjoying life to its fullest. You want to participate in an active social life and enjoy a large circle of friends. You want to be in the limelight, expressing your artistic or intellectual talents. Word skills may be your thing; speaking, writing, acting, singing. In a positive sense, the 3 energy is friendly, outgoing and always very social.
You have a decidedly upbeat attitude that is rarely discouraged; a good mental and emotional balance.
The 3 Soul Urge gives intuitive insight, thus, very high creative and inspirational tendencies. The truly outstanding trait shown by the 3 Soul Urge is that of self-expression, regardless of the field of endeavor.
On the negative side, you may at times become too easygoing and too optimistic, tending to scatter forces and accomplish very little. Often, the excessive 3 energy produces non-stop talkers. Everyone has faults, but the 3 soul urge doesn't appreciate having these pointed out.
here i'm thinking: okay...
Your Inner Dream number is: 4
An Inner Dream number of 4 means: You dream of being a very solid citizen that people can depend upon. You strive for organization and predictable order. You want to be recognized as a person with a plan and the discipline to make that plan work like clockwork.
here i'm thinking: zzzzzzzz
11:50 PM
I am Rachel.
My aspiration is to go to the university of agriculture so never have to use my brain again.
Bill Shakespeare is, for reasons unknown, my friend muse.
I am also currently recruiting a lookalike so they can take my exams for me. I ABHOR SCHOOL..
&Silly cookie
This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.