Thursday, December 18, 2008
i was reading fanfiction just now and sometimes you get those ads up there on the top of the page. well, i was reading this tragic story about how this guy betrays the girl at first then blah blah blah professes undying love but then find out he has this long more to live and all that shit (so much for me dissing korean dramas with story lines much like this. but it had lots of reviews so i figured i'd give it a go).
so the previous chapter before i went on to the next was on how the girl (with duo power tear glands) was with the now very ill guy and i have to admit it was pretty sad. i thought he'd die in that chapter but no.... he lived! so i clicked to the next chapter, which was the last. and i started laughing at the ad on top.
it was this advertisment about this sleeping center and what made me laugh was the fact that the guy's name said "Dr Remy*
Peter Pan". and i'm like, what?! and no, peter pan is not in his name. i checked (well, DUH. which asian parent in the right mind would put "peter pan" in their kid's name?). haha i seriously don't see the connection or why anyone would add peter pan to their name.
runescape update: i got killed two times. one by some idiot mugger and another because of some vengeful tree spirit. ah... the creative minds of the creators... they think of everything don't they.
*not his real name. haha sounds likesome newspaper article.
11:34 PM
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
so hellooooooooooo world and whoever so kindly reads this!
so i have been playing runescape a little more than i expected. and i've run so many errands for the programmed avatars in the game and i've earned some coins! and looking at the numbers i just feel so accomplished... earning imaginary money i can only use in the game! whoop!
i was running an errand for this baldy called julian. he asked me to chop 25 logs for him cuz he said ,or rather what he was programmed to say, he liked to stock up on supplies or something like that. so after i hacked down 25 trees (oh even the trees are funny. a couple of minutes after reducing them to stumps, they suddenly pop up again! talk about sustainability) and i got paid like 1000+ coins and i was like what the...? AND I ONLY GOT PAID 500+ COINS FOR RUNNING TO AND FRO TO GET FLOUR, WATER, MIX EM' ALL TOGETHER AND COOK EM' TO MAKE 24 LOAVES OF BREAD FOR SOME HUNGRY SMITHING GUY.
then when it comes to fishing the only thing i can fish is prawns. half the time i burn them. and it was so amusing cuz this guy clad from head to toe in armous was hogging up the fishing spot. and i finally get to chop oak! cuz i'm level 15 in tree cutting yay! my secret to how i got there : i stood in one spot for ages and cut down all the trees around me repeatedly until whoo! i'm level 15! haha
then was the cow incident. i was in this field full of cows and i come across this cow just standing there and i thought it was for attacking so i was stupidly trying to swing my sword at it. then this milkmaid comes up to me and says "you don't know how to milk cows, do you? well, you first need a bucket...". runes is amusing for the downright bored!
oh then i met huiyi there and we were killing goblins and attacking rams! then huiyi wanted to know whther we could attack the ducks but i said probably not or somefink like that and it turns out huiyi found that ducks were attackable! i've yet to try it out though.
speaking of huiyi, she has requested that i add to this post the following that she has shared with me about the rock /emo / whatever genre / happy happy band known to all as MCR.
first of all, keyboardist, something dewees.
huiyi says that he looks out of place in the band. and we agree that he looks a tad bit greasy.
(times infinity)and between gerad way and mikey way, she think mikey is hotter. and no. i don't know what he looks like but since they are brothers i assume they look similar :)
and their bassist.... (haha sorry i forgot what you said about him) was described by a direct source as being "the most unmoving bassist". i think she meant that physically.
also, she feels that gerad way's face looks more defined when his hair is shorter than chin level. in other words, anything below chin level makes him look undefined! haha okay joking. hardcore fans should not take this seriously. if you do, well... all i can say is, take a chill pill!
7:54 AM