So much homework and so little time. balance that on top of the fact that i do not have a single shred of desire to do them. Anyway, I've been typing quite a bit of stuff lately, albeit not school related, and thanks to Microsoft's newer version of Microsoft word, I have started to auto- capitalise my words! Joy. Basically, I could not find the setting which activates auto-correct. I must'vede-activated it sometime ago but I can't seem to remember how to undo that.
And while looking out the window just now, I was reminded of the minuscule bug that was trekking along my arm as I gorged myself on kaya toast. Okay, I know, no link. The ice milo was good though.
Moving on to another train of thought, found this dude called Pogo on Youtube! He is the apotheosis of creating music out of snippets of movies or sounds. Not to mention his videos are absolutely darling (enunciated with a posh English accent)!
This video is my favourite. Darth Vader on casual friday, doing a spastic flop-dance against an ambient-esque backdrop. Nice.
Another trend worming it's way onto the already shitty mainstream stage is what I like to call the Triple S. Stupidly Simple Songs. Yea those songs were they have just one or two instruments and God awful lyrics that are overly simplistic or ridiculouslyangsty. Then again, that's just me but my idea of simple music is:
Oh yea! Just had to bring him into the picture. The melody is simple but ORIGINAL and it's not that hard to follow. Lyrics are child-like yet not flat out "I rode my bike to meet you... Saw you and him... My heart bleeds for you (that one is over used btw)". And what's more, THIS WAS WRITTEN ALMOST 40 YEARS AGO!
Oh oh I'm going to Korea this saturday and I'm not looking froward to it. Cuz I can't read Hangul. My mom's excited though. I'll just buy lots of biscuits and seaweed and station myself in the hotel room while I roll about and sprout pimples.
1:59 AM
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
good news my friends. school is over.
And to ensure that we will never be idle during this rest period, THE BLOODY SCHOOL HAS DECIDED TO DROWN US IN HOMEWORK (picture a needle in the haystack. i'm the needle and the homework is the haystack etc.) . So smart are they, that they claim that "it is easily done!"
ripping my homework up is easily done. DOING the HOMEWORK is NOT EASILY DONE. and someone give them a prize for creating the most nonsensically wrong phrases. what on earth is "exactly similar"? oh and who the hell decided that six people in a ring throwing a hot potato at each other was a RELEVANT ANALOGY to 'simplifying' the explanation behind the stability in the benzene ring? ah yes. it was the most ridiculously temperamental, emotionally unstable, completely illogical, chemistry teacher ever.
in all my ten years having dealt with teachers ranging from soft spoken, to those whose faces turn as red as a baboon's butt when they get mad, she is really the cream of the incapable-of-teaching-and-wholly-unreasonable crop.
i would write her real name except for the fact that i forgot it. okay i don't actually know it at all. so i'll settle for calling her ssa-s'noobab. this work of art had the audacity to stand on the lecture stage in front of a 300 strong crowd of students and throw a screaming tantrum befit of a teething one year old. Amazingly, in the midst of her cacophony, i managed to complete the lecture notes AND construct every single detail of my castle in the sky within the realms of my magical imagination. it was fun and completely free :D
next time i see my dad, i'll convince him to get be four bars of CadburyWhiteBubbly! it is scrumdiliumptious!
8:04 AM
I am Rachel.
My aspiration is to go to the university of agriculture so never have to use my brain again.
Bill Shakespeare is, for reasons unknown, my friend muse.
I am also currently recruiting a lookalike so they can take my exams for me. I ABHOR SCHOOL..
&Silly cookie
This skin was entirely made by vintage.veggie. Resources used have been credited, strictly no touching any of the credits. Basecodes were done by me as well.